WTFutures is a community of interest and practice:
We are federating people and projects that have worked, or are working with young people on how they see the future in the context of climate change.
Are you one of them? Contact us

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Pedagogías del Mañana
Pedagogías del Mañana is a program directed towards schools and teachers in Spain, whose goal is to “foster eco-social education” through artistic creation, and “affirm the role of School as a place c
Sahéliens, Sahéliennes 2040
Sahé 2040 is a program of the French Development Agency. From November 2020 to June 2021, this learning journey gave a voice to 25 young Sahelian changemakers to tell their Sahel differently
Our Future Pledge: An agenda for futures by youth
"Youth foresight can be used in policy-making, planning, and decision-making processes at the local, national, and international levels to inform future strategies, programs, and investments that willAbout WTFutures